Warwickshire County Council have provided the following update:
Works at the Stanks Island and A425 Birmingham Road, Warwick, continue to progress in a safe and manageable manner considering the current Government guidelines on COVID-19, primarily by continuing to limit contact with social distancing. Due to unavoidable delays to the project the current completion date has been pushed back to Autumn but Warwickshire County Council and NMCN are making every effort to complete the works as soon as is practicable.
Since the last update, works have continued in the existing works areas and new street lighting columns are in the process of being installed throughout the site.
Unfortunately, due to the social distancing required, surfacing of the footway at Haywood Road has still not been able to be completed. This has prevented the opening of the road as intended but we endeavour to get this delivered as soon possible.
We extend our thanks to all residents, businesses and visitors to the area for their co-operation and patience as we work to deliver these improvements.