From 22nd July advance warning signs will be going up along Birmingham Road to notify the travelling public of the start of the construction works for the Stanks Island and Birmingham Road Improvement Scheme. Works are expected to start on 5th August and last approximately 34 weeks.
The works will help to ease traffic congestion during peak periods that currently cause queuing on to the A46 and into Warwick Town Centre.
What improvements will be made?
A46 Stanks Island
Signalise the roundabout
Widen approaches from A4177 and A425 on to Stanks Island
Provide pedestrian and cycle facilities and crossing points
Haywood Road Junction
Signalise junction to provide left and right turning movements
Signalise access to properties on Birmingham Road
Provide pedestrian and cycling facilities and crossing points
Wedgnock Lane Junction
Convert to signalised T Junction
Provide pedestrian and cycling facilities and crossing points
Birmingham Road
Apply controls that link the signals together to minimise delay
Reduce speed limit to 30mph on Birmingham Road from Stanks Island
For further information on the project please click here