A £100,000 Covid-19 Recovery Fund has been launched by Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe to help provide an additional cash boost to organisations working to improve community safety and help the most vulnerable.
It comes as many across the charitable and voluntary sector have been faced with a double hit of reduced or curtailed opportunities to raise money while also needing to fund technology to support home-working or to meet increased demand for their support.
At the same time, in response to the Covid-19 epidemic many smaller community groups and social enterprises have sprung up to provide additional support to vulnerable people. While lockdown restrictions are now easing, the epidemic is not at an end and it is likely that the support these groups provide people will be needed for some time to come.
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said: “I have always been keen to support projects which improve community safety and provide help for the most vulnerable in society. That’s why, in these extraordinary times, I have decided to launch a Covid-19 Recovery Fund, to help ensure that these voluntary groups, charities and community organisations can continue to provide their much-needed help. Grants of up to £5,000 are available for established organisations to help them respond to, survive and recover from the effects of Covid-19.
“Of course, many community and voluntary groups have evolved to support local communities and vulnerable groups over the past few weeks. They might not ordinarily be able to meet the criteria for a grant but I’m very keen to ensure that they do not miss out. As a result I am also making donations of up to £1,000 available in these circumstances.
“In total, I will be awarding up to £100,000 through grants, donations and other arrangements to help the county as it begins to recover from the effects of Covid-19. This is funded from the reserves I have been able to save through careful financial management over the past year and, as taxpayer’s money, it is right that it is put to good use in response to one of the most significant emergencies to have hit the county in our lifetimes.”
Applications are welcome from community, voluntary, third sector, private and statutory organisations that deliver projects or services at a countywide level or local level within Warwickshire. All projects must be not-for-profit.
Organisations are able to submit one bid each and applications are limited to £5,000 for most applicants. Other groups seeking amounts under £1,000 can submit a donation request instead – there is a much simpler application form due to the lower value of awards in this category. There is no lower limit to funding requests.
All applicants need to demonstrate how their projects will address at least one of the four main priorities of the Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan
which seeks to:-
- Put Victims and Survivors First;
- Ensure Efficient and Effective Policing;
- Protect People From Harm;
- Prevent and Reduce Crime.
The grants and donations will all be made on a one-off basis only and projects funded under this scheme must be completed, or the money awarded spent, by the end of March 2021.
Full terms and conditions, details of eligibility and how to apply can be found on the Commissioner’s website by clicking here
The final deadline for applications is Friday 24 July.