Warwickshire County Council have made a Temporary Traffic Order closing Barrack Street and Northgate Street, and imposing a temporary one-way traffic system on Joyce Pool, The Butts and Cape Road, as indicated below.
Road | Restriction | From | To | Diversion | Dates |
Barrack Street | CLOSURE – There will be no access to Northgate Street from Barrack Street | Joyce Pool | Northgate Island | Via Joyce Pool, Saltisford, Saltisford Island, Northgate Island | 7th May 2019 (anticipated completion 2nd June 2019) |
Joyce Pool | ONE WAY – There will be no access to Joyce Pool from the Saltisford | Saltisford | Barrack Street | Via Saltisford, Saltisford Island, Theatre Street, New Bridge Street, Barrack Street | 7th May 2019 (anticipated completion 2nd June 2019) |
The Butts | ONE WAY – There will be no access to The Butts from Castle Hill / Jury Street | Jury Street | Northgate | Via Jury Street, High Street, Bowling Green Street, Theatre Street, Saltisford Island, Northgate Island, Northgate | 2nd June 2019 (anticipated completion by 11th August 2019) |
Northgate Street | CLOSURE – Access to Northgate Street will be via Barrack Street only | Northgate Island | Northgate Street | Via Northgate, Saltisford, Joyce Pool, Barrack Street, Northgate Street | 2nd June 2019 (anticipated completion by 11th August 2019) |
Cape Road | ONE WAY – There will be no access to Northgate from Cape Road | Priory Mews | Northgate | Via Albert Street, Saltisford, Northgate | 2nd June 2019 (anticipated completion by 11th August 2019) |
The closures and one-way traffic flow are required to safely facilitate works on the Northgate Junction of the Warwick Town Centre Improvement Scheme.
The Orders will commence on 7th May 2019 and 2nd June 2019 as indicated in the table above and will last for a period of 18 months, or until the works are completed, whichever is the earlier.
For the period that Northgate Island / Northgate Street junction is closed and the one-way system on Cape Road is in operation, the 7.5t Environmental Weight Restriction imposed on West Street, Bowling Green Street and Theatre Street will be suspended to allow HGV traffic to be diverted away from Cape Road / Albert Street
Pedestrian Access to and egress from properties and land situated adjacent to the length of roads to be closed will be maintained at all times. Vehicular access will be maintained where possible.
Warwickshire County Council regrets any inconvenience that may be caused. The team dealing with this Temporary Traffic Order is County Highways South (Telephone) 01926 412515
To view the Official Notice of all Works, please click here
To view the Official Traffic Order for Barrack Street, please click here
To view the Official Traffic Order for Northgate Street, please click here
To view the Official Traffic Order for Joyce Pool, please click here