Mayor Elect 2021

On Thursday 11th March 2021 Warwick Town Council voted unanimously for Councillor Richard Edgington to become the Mayor Elect of Warwick. Councillor Edgington will therefore formally become Mayor of Warwick on Thursday 27th May at the Mayor Making Ceremony.

Councillor Edgington will become the youngest ever Mayor of Warwick and therefore able to have a unique view point on the Town and its residents. On being elected he said:-

“I feel truly honoured and privileged to have been elected as Mayor Elect, and I look forward to representing Warwick and supporting residents, charities and businesses alike as we emerge from what has been and extremely difficult and challenging time. Warwick will come back to life even better than before, I have no doubt and I can’t wait to be part of that transition”

The Council also voted in Councillor Parminder Singh Birdi as Deputy Mayor Elect, meaning that he will take the role of Deputy Mayor of Warwick on 27th May.

The event in May will be held at the Collegiate Church of St. Mary’s in Old Square, Warwick, however it is not known yet if it will be open to the general public to attend due to the pandemic.