Graham Fulford Trust

An Important Message from Councillor Butler, Warwick District Council

Last year Councillor Alan Boad, as Chairman of Warwick District Council, chose The Graham Fulford Trust as his Chairman’s charity. The Graham Fulford Trust promotes awareness of prostate cancer and assists with early diagnosis via a non-invasive blood test.

The Trust hold regular sessions for a PSA Test across Warwickshire, including one at The Nelson Club in Warwick and one at Riverside House, as part of Warwick District Council’s Health & Well-being Day. Earlier this year, Councillor Noel Butler took a blood test and within four days received a letter telling him to contact his GP. Tests and scans ensued and the end result was that Cllr Butler was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The blood test was able to diagnose the condition early enough for it to be treated and treatment started immediately the cancer was diagnosed. It was following this diagnosis that Cllr Butler has asked us to share his news with you all to raise awareness of the tests.

Councillor Noel Butler Commented;

‘Prior to this test I had no symptoms at all and only took the test to show support for the Chairman’s charity. Had I not done so I may not have displayed any symptoms until it was too late to treat. These tests are quick, non-invasive and potentially lifesaving. I am grateful for the work of The Graham Fulford Trust and would encourage any men aged 45 or over to have this test done at the earliest possible time. For the women who read this I have a message; please ensure the men in your life take the test as it is no exaggeration to say it could save their life’

The next test in Warwick is on 19th July at the Nelson Club, Charles Street, Warwick, starting at 7pm

For more information on The Graham Fulford Trust, including the next PSA test events, please visit click here