Coronavirus Support in Warwick

There is a coordinated community response to support residents staying at home as a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

The Government advises that the following groups should stay at home:

  • Anyone aged 70 or older
  • Anyone younger than 70 with an underlying health condition
  • Those who are pregnant
  • Those with high temperatures and/or dry cough

The local community can help you:

  • With shopping
  • With doctor’s prescriptions
  • With organising essential services
  • By giving reassurance

Warwick Town Council is aware that a large number of community-led support groups, many of them informal groups, are emerging in response to Coronavirus. These groups are providing invaluable local support during these difficult times.

To join please click the links below:

Warwick Community Group  
Chase Meadow 
Packmores & Forbes Group 
Woodloes Group 

To view contact details for support available in your ward, please click the links below:

There is also community support available for residents in Budbrooke. For further information please click here

These groups are providing invaluable local support and we’re keen to know about, engage and communicate with them. Please contact us if there are any additional groups within Warwick’s Community.